Athletic Eligibility

  • Administration/Athletic Director will have the responsibility of monitoring student progress throughout the grading period.
  • If a student earns two D’s or one F at the mid-season grade check, the student will be placed on level one probationary status by the administration.
    • Level 1 probation will mean that the student will be able to practice but not participate in games or travel to games.
    • The student will have two weeks to correct and raise his/her failing grades. During these two weeks, the student may not participate in games or travel to games. 
    • Parents/coaches will be notified when student corrects and raises his/her failing grades.
  • Students with chronic failing grades that are documented from more than two weeks after being placed on level 1 will be placed on a level 2 probationary status.
    • Level 2 probation will mean that student will be excluded from practice and games until grades are brought up. 

Girls Volleyball

Cross Country

Boys Basketball

Girls Basketball


Falcon Ridge is a member of the Western Idaho Conference (WIC) 1A Division and offers athletic opportunities for Middle School students grades 6-8

For information about academic requirements, practice expectations and game policy, playing time, coaches responsibilities, parents expectations, pick up procedures, concussion procedures and school protocol please download the Athletic Handbook and/or contact our Athletic Director Vonnie Willis at [email protected]
Players must take the course prior to first practice.

Sign up for Sport Activities and fill out the required concussion form on My School Bucks