Policy Manual
Table of Contents
1000 Section | By Laws | |
By Laws Amended | 1 | |
The Board of Trustees | 1313 | |
Continuous Improvement Plan | 1315 | |
Board Meetings | 1500 | |
Board of Directors | 1525 | |
Conflict of Interest | 1610 | |
Director Spouse Employment | 1615 | |
Board Development Opportunities | 1645 | |
Policy Manual Revision | 1700 | |
2000 Section | Instruction | |
Goals | 2000 | |
Curriculum Development | 2100 | |
Lesson Plan | 2110 | |
Program Evaluation Diagnostic Test | 2120 | |
Research Studies | 2130 | |
Student and Family Privacy Rights | 2140 | |
Student and Family Rights-Consent Form | 2140F | |
Copyright Compliance | 2150P | |
School Year Calendar Instructional Hours | 2200 | |
School Closure | 2210 | |
School Closure Personnel | 2210P | |
Class Size | 2240 | |
Title 1 Parent Involvement | 2420 | |
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement | 2420P | |
3000 Section | Students | |
Entrance, Placement and Transfer | 3000 | |
Enrollment | 3005 | |
Enrollment | 3010 | |
Lottery Procedure | 3010P | |
Enrollment and Attendance Records | 3020 | |
Enrollment and Attendance Records | 3020P | |
Part-Time Attendance / Dual Enrollment | 3030 | |
Compulsory Attendance | 3040 | |
Attendance | 3050 | |
Attendance Letter | 3050F1 | |
Education of Homeless Children | 3060 | |
Students Rights and Responsibilities | 3200 | |
Uniform Grievance Procedure | 3210 | |
Acceptable Use Of Electronic Networks | 3270P | |
Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity | 3280 | |
Sexual Harassment & Intimidation of Students | 3290 | |
Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying | 3295 | |
Discipline Philosophy | 3330 | |
Immunization Requirements | 3525 | |
State Suicide | 3530 | |
Student Data Privacy and Security | 3575 | |
Positive Time Reporting Policy | 3700 | |
Student Weapons | 3750 | |
4000 Section | Community Relations | |
Community Relations | 4160 | |
Community Use of Charter School Facilities | 4210 | |
Community Use of School Facilities | 4210P | |
Board of Directors Election Policy | 4900 | |
5000 Section | Personnel | |
Board Goals Personnel | 5000 | |
Hiring Policy | 5100 | |
Personal Conduct | 5125 | |
Staff Complaints and Grievances | 5200 | |
Work Day During Health Emergency | 5210C | |
Abused and Neglected Child Reporting | 5260 | |
Parent or Guardian Input Form | 5340F | |
Employment Referrals and Prevention of Sexual Abuse | 5390 | |
Leaves of Absence | 5400 | |
Leaves of Absence | 5400C | |
ISBA Evaluation of Certified Personnel | 5430 | |
Family Medical Leave | 5500 | |
Long Term Illness/Temporary Disability/Maternity Leave | 5650 | |
Employee Confidentiality Agreement | 5900 | |
Teacher Insubordination Policy | 5950 | |
Workers’ Compensation Benefits | 5960 | |
6000 Section | Administration | |
Administrator Evaluation Procedure | 6100P | |
Student Survey | 6100F | |
Self Assessment Midyear and Final Evaluation | 6100F | |
Family Survey | 6100F | |
Administrative Summative Evaluation | 6100F | |
Administrator | 6000 | |
7000 Section | Financial Management | |
Federal Financial Accountability | 7218 | |
Fiscal Accountability and IDEA Part B Funds | 7235 | |
Federal Funds Semi-Annual Certification Form | 7235F1 | |
Federal Personal Activity Report | 7235F2 | |
Federal Multiple Cost Objective Time and Effort Certification | 7235F3 | |
Federal Written Compensation Procedure (Time and Effort) | 7235P | |
Personnel Activity Report | 7235PF1 | |
Single Federal Award or Cost Objective | 7235PF2 | |
Retention of Records Relating to Federal Grants | 7237 | |
Student Activity Fund | 7260 | |
State and Federal Property Records | 7270 | |
Federal Allowable Uses for Grant Funds | 7320 | |
Determining Necessity of Reasonableness of Expenses | 7320P1 | |
Federal Selected Items of Cost | 7320P2 | |
Miscellaneous Procurement Standards | 7400 | |
Federal Procurement Under a Federal Award | 7400P1 | |
Federal Procurement Methods Under a Federal Award | 7400P2 | |
Federal Requirements and Restrictions for Procurement Under a Federal Award- Competition | 7400P3 | |
Federal Contract Administration | 7400P4 | |
General Procurement Standards For Federal Awards | 7400P4 | |
Federal Travel Allowances and Expenses | 7430 | |
Federal Cash Management Policy | 7450 | |
Federal Timely Obligation of Funds | 7450P1 | |
Federal Program Income | 7450P2 | |
Fund Balance Policy in Accordance with GASB Statement No. 54 | 7900 |
8000 Section | Non-Instructional Operations | |
Goals | 8000 | |
Transportation | 8100 | |
Extracurricular Transportation | 8105 | |
Extracurricular Transportation Liability Waiver | 8105F | |
Safety Busing | 8110 | |
Bus Routes, Stops and Non Transportation Zones | 8120 | |
Transportation of Students with Disabilities | 8130 | |
Student Conduct on Buses | 8140 | |
Student Supervision for Loading and Unloading Buses at School | 8145 | |
Contracting for Transportation Services | 8160 | |
Policy Through Contracted Transportation Company | 8165 | |
Local School Wellness | 8200 | |
FRPCS Wellness Policy | 8200P | |
Food Services | 8220 | |
Nutrition Standards | 8230 | |
School Meals | 8240 | |
Guidelines for Food and Beverages | 8250 | |
Lunch Charges | 8260 | |
Record Retention of Federal Grant Programs | 8605 | |
9000 Section | School Facilities | |
State and Federal Acquisition, Use, and Disposal of School Property | 9100 | |
10000 Section | Miscellaneous Policies/ Uniform Grant Guidance |
Uniform Grant Guidance |